Australia-China News

澳大利亚需重建与中国的关系Australia must rebuild its relationship with China

中国澳大利亚商会华西总经理习克礼(Kyri Theos)于近期在香港南华早报发表题为“澳大利亚需重新建立与中国的关系”的文章

Austcham West China General Manager Kyri Theos had an opinion article featured in the South China Morning Post this week titled “Australia must rebuild its relationship with China”.

AustCham COVID-19 Impact Report – July 2020

AustCham COVID-19 Impact Report – July 2020 AustCham China is proud to release the July 2020 AustCham COVID-19 Impact Report. This is our second COVID-19 Impact Report, and the first …

澳大利亚商会COVID-19影响报告- 2020年7月


Demystifying Chinese Investment in Healthcare

Today KPMG releases it’s report on Chinese investment in Australia healthcare, the most recent addition to their ‘Demystifying Chinese Investment’ series.

WeChat | Australian City Guide for Chinese Travellers

China’s biggest social media platform, WeChat, launched City Experience Sydney guide last week providing Chinese tourists with a new way to navigate key places of interest via the WeChat platform.

IP Australia | Guide to Protecting your IP in China

IP Australia has released their new Guide to Protecting your IP in China, which includes practical tips on how foreign businesses can prepare and understand the system, such as seeking experienced legal advice, registering your IP rights in China, and monitoring for infringement.