Member Introduction: Shangri-La Hotel Chengdu

概要 General Facts

成都位于中国西南部,是四川省省会,⾯面积1.21万平⽅方公⾥里,常住人口1,418万,居中国特大城市第四位。成都拥有2,300多年历史,文化深厚,是旅游者的天堂,被世界旅游组织和中国国家旅游局评为“中国最佳旅游城市”。  成都是投资者的乐园,被国务院确定为中国西部商贸物流总⼼心、金融中⼼心、科技中⼼心和交通枢纽、通信枢纽及中国重要的⾼高  新技术产业基地、现代制造业基地、现代服务业基地和现代农业基地。

Located in southwest China, Chengdu is the capital city of Sichuan province with an area of over 12,100 ㎢ and a population of 14.18 million. Founded 2,300 years ago, Chengdu is proud of its long history and profound cultural traditions. Named by both the WTO and China National Tourism Administration as Best Tourism City in China, Chengdu is truly a paradise for tourists. Chengdu is also a heaven for investors as it was defined by the State Council as the trade, logistic, financial and science centre, transport and communication hub of Western China. It’s also one of China’s most important high-tech industrial bases, modern manufacturing, services and agricultural bases.


世界自然文化遗产 World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites


Chengdu is the hometown of the giant panda. The United Nations approved the listing of Sichuan Panda Habitat as world natural heritage.

Qingcheng Mountain & Dujiangyan: Qingcheng Mountain is the birthplace for Taoism. Dujiangyan Irrigation System, built in 256BC, is the largest and oldest known irrigation system in the world that still functions featuring undimmed diversion. Leshan Giant Budda: It’s the largest stone-carved sitting Buddha in the world.

通往西藏、拉萨迪庆香格里拉和九寨沟的门户 Gateway to Lhasa, Shangri-La and Jiuzhai Valley

成都距西藏拉萨⼀一小时50分钟⻜飞⾏行距离,拉萨海拔在4000米以上,  有着世界上最高的山脉,被称为“世界屋脊”。成都距九寨沟55分钟⻜飞⾏行距离,九寨沟是世界⾃自然遗产,有⻛风景绝美  的群湖、溪流、瀑群、森⾥里和雪⼭山。  成都距迪庆香格里拉1小时45分钟⻜飞行距离,迪庆⾹香格里拉位于海拔 3,260⽶米的⾼高原,以神秘的雪山,深幽的峡谷,波光粼粼的湖泊和⼲广  袤的草原而闻名

1h50m flying distance from Chengdu to Lhasa, which is located in the Tibetan Plateau, 4,000m above sea level. 55 minutes flying distance from Chengdu to Jiuzhai Valley. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its multi-level waterfalls, colourful lakes and snow-capped peaks. 1h45m fly distance from Chengdu to Shangri-La is Diqing. It is renowned for mystical snow-capped mountains, deep gorges, shimmering lakes and vast grasslands.

绝佳地理位置 Perfect Location

成都⾹香格⾥里拉⼤酒店位于市中心,与锦江、廊桥和合江  亭构成城市不可或缺的地标性建筑。 成都的历史与时  尚,繁华与宁静。

毗邻时尚餐饮地标兰桂坊,与颇受本地⼈人欢迎的酒吧⼀一  条街仅⼀一河之隔,缤纷餐厅、酒吧尽在步行范围。


距离三国古蜀文化遗址武侯祠、锦里商业街、历史文化  古迹杜甫草堂、宽窄巷子均25分钟车程。


  • Located in the city centre, the hotel overlooks the scenic Jinjiang River, ancient Lang Bridget and He Jiang Pavilion.
  • Next to the Lan Kwai Fong and Bar Street, various restaurants and bars are within walking distance.
  • 5-minute car drive to Chengdu International Finance Square (IFS) and Taikoo Li,
  • 25-minute car drive to Wuhou Temple, Jinli Street, Wide and Narrow Street and Dufu Thatched Cottage.
  • 45-minute car drive to Chengdu Panda Base.

For more information about the Shangri-La Hotel Chengdu click here!

Contact Details:

Eric Wang

Sales Manager

86 18582129760